About Todd

- Science of Human Behavior & Motivation
- Data Analysis
- Relationship Management & Cultivation
- Management, Coaching, Professional Development
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment & School Appraisal
Todd is an Improvement Coach at Ed Direction, Cicero Group’s K-12 Public Education practice, working directly with education leaders to improve teaching and learning. Todd works with turn around schools in the areas of culture, climate, instructional practices, staff and leadership coaching, and effective PLC/ instructional team meetings. Todd understands the importance of a strong education and what it can do for a child. His experiences allow him to be able to help staff, administrators, and students to reach their potential.
Todd has over 10 years of teaching experience in middle school, and he has 14 years of leadership experience, 7 years at the district office and 7 years as an elementary school principal. He was the director of a Federal Safe Schools/ Healthy Students grant that allowed him to focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in his district. He was responsible for the implementation of PowerSchool (student data program) for the district. As a Student Services Coordinator, he worked alongside social workers, nurses, dropout prevention advocates, and school counselors. As a principal, he exceeded growth 3 out of the last 5 years, was named a PETC Signature school, and his school was nominated for a NC Lighthouse Award. During his tenure at his school, each Teacher of the Year from his school went on to be top 5 finalists in the district with one winning the district Teacher of the Year award. He has coached a teacher as a finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Todd has guided his staff to improve the school’s composite score from 62% to 78%. Todd has acquired certain skills and training during his educational career that have aided him in his journey to helping students, staff, and administration in school improvement.
Todd earned his Education Specialist in Leadership and his Master in Educational Leadership from Appalachian State University. His journey began with his Bachelors of Science in Social Studies Education from Buffalo State College.
Education & Career Highlights
During his educational career Todd has presented at numerous state educational conferences, national conferences, and presented PD to school staffs. He wrote and won a 6 million federal Safe School/ Healthy Students grant to align mental health, schools, and juvenile justice agencies to support multi-jacket scholars. His school was recognized for exceeding growth, nominated for a NC lighthouse award, and named a PTEC Signature School. Currently as an improvement coach, Todd has assisted 5 schools out of CIS status, and increased school culture through professional development and principal coaching.
- Educational Specialist in School Leadership | Appalachian State University | Boone, NC
- Master in School Administration | Appalachian State University | Boone, NC
- B.S., Social Studies Education | SUNY Buffalo State College | Buffalo, NC

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